The Beauty of a New Beginning

The Beauty of a New Beginning

Good Day Introverts, Reserved Ones, and All Visitors

Today I want to talk about the beauty of a new beginning. There are limitless possibilities to new beginnings. In most cases, for those of us who are reserved and sometimes even for those of us who are not reserved, new beginnings can seem very scary and intimidating, but in many cases, especially for introverts and the reserved, new beginnings are just what we need. New beginnings happen on large scales and small scales. New beginnings can be moving to a new city, transferring to a new school, getting a new job, joining a new extracurricular activity and many other new experiences. Instead of thinking of a new beginning as a major change into very unfamiliar territory and mass uneasiness , its helpful to think of new beginnings as new opportunities to reach higher heights. It’s a chance to make friends and form bonds that you may not have had before. Think of all the things that you wanted to accomplish in your past situation (town, school, job, extra-curricular activity) and make it a goal to accomplish them in this new experience. New people mean new experiences and new experiences, good, bad and uncomfortable mean new growth. So instead of thinking of new experiences as something to be scared of, think of all of the new opportunities and doors that now have the potential to be opened only if you let them. At the end of my eleventh grade year, the sponsor of the school dance squad which I had been on since tenth grade asked me to be the captain, THE CAPTAIN of the squad. I was already reserved, introvertish, and soft spoken so this was something major. On top of that, it was basically a whole new squad than the year before. I barely said anything in the practices in the years before, so this was major. I prayed about it and felt approval from God that it was only right. So guess what, I was captain of the squad this past year. It was a GREAT challenge. I don’t think I ever talked that loud before in school or engaged in that many conversations. I had to lead a bunch of teen girls. Some of the things that I had to deal with were those who took my commands lightly, those who tried to over talk me, and those who tried to be the captain even though they were not chosen to be. There were many ups, downs and hectic moments, especially during homecoming. However, looking back I can only smile and think about how much fun it was. Naturally, it took a lot of energy out of me because I wasn’t used to talking and socializing so much, but it was rewarding, and I met so many great people in the process. I learned more about people and myself. I gained some strength, faced some fears and lost some weaknesses. Not everything will be pretty in the process of entering into a new beginning. In fact, we messed up during the homecoming pep rally, and guess what else, we had to perform the next day at the homecoming game with all of the alumni, teachers that didn’t usually come out, several families, the marching band and the cheerleaders. It was a very emotional and significant time for all of us! But we got to school early that day and worked extremely hard practicing. We changed the ending and the dance routine looked great. The homecoming time period was stressful but fun. I smile thinking back on the beauty of that new beginning. So before fear and doubt tries to come into your mind and block your view of the beauty of a new beginning, think about the limitless possibilities that they hold.


With New Strength from New Beginnings,

Unashamed Introvertish Girl



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