I Had Help (21 The Blog Series)

It was the summer of 2015, the end of my sophomore year of college, and I thought I had worked hard.  And what does every one say happens when you work hard? “It pays off.”  That particular semester, I remember writing every grade I wanted on a sticky note, taping it to my desk and praying that I got it.  When my last grade came in I jumped for joy.  I made the Dean’s List.  God heard my prayers.

A few weeks later, memories of my High School Musical style jump had faded, and I was disgruntled yet again.  Not only did I want to make the Dean’s List, I wanted an internship.  I sat around feeling unaccomplished and sad searching for internships.  And guess what? Toward the middle of summer I got something in the mail, but it wasn’t an internship.  I got a letter saying I had been summoned to court.  It was for jury duty.  I got picked and served for two days, a Thursday and a Monday.

I prayed again for an internship, but it didn’t happen that summer.  Two weeks before the beginning of the next semester I was contacted via LinkedIn.  Someone asked me if I was willing to use my skills to help with a campaign as it was election season in Baltimore.  I gladly agreed.  I was able to learn from those who were doing what I have ultimately set out to do with my degree, strengthen and empower communities through mass communication.  My vision for my life after college was clearer and I was a lot more prepared.

For the longest time, I did not realize what had happened to me.  I did not realize that God had answered my prayers from months before. I learned four important points from this scenario:

1.     Just because something is not happening the way we thought it would, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
A lot of times we get discouraged because things don’t look like what we thought they would.  We think that there is one way for our goals to be accomplished when we serve a God of infinite possibility.

2.     Be grateful, and remember that you are blessed.
Part of the reason I was so worried was because I was not as grateful as I should have been.  As soon as I received one thing, I immediately wanted another.  Truly appreciating what God gives us helps us to remember that He always comes through.  It decreases doubt and increases faith.

3.     Our timing is not God’s timing.
Sometimes we just need to chill (Did I say that right?), and wait for God’s master plan to unfold.  We can wait with worry and discontentment, or we can wait with faith, trust and gratefulness.

4.     God is in control.
I obviously didn’t do this on my own. I had Help.



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