Humble Beginnings

Like very few people on this earth, I am what many consider an introvert. I can identify with many of the characteristics and situations that those who have labeled themselves as introverts. I find myself nodding and smiling as I hear the awkward and uncomfortable situations that others have been in.  This was especially difficult to deal with during my preteen years. I would be invited to sleepovers where there were people that I didn’t know, or huge engagement from friends of the family and get talked about, scornfully looked upon, or laughed at by the adults and children that were there. This caused intense pain during those middle school years and I thought there was something wrong with me because I had never ever seen anyone like me. I have the utmost respect for the different beliefs (religious, cultural, etc) and would never want to offend anyone, but I am not afraid or ASHAMED to profess my spiritual beliefs. I say this to prepare you for my one solution and relief from this characteristic that I used to think of as a problem. In order to combat and overcome the intense pain, I prayed. I began to read scripture and get close to God. I began to discover who I really am and what I was made to be and do. Its okay to be an introvert and be different from everyone else. Remember that you are never alone. You don’t have to agree with me but these are my beliefs and if God did it for me He can do the same for you! Stay tuned for more specific stories about this unashamed introvert!

Peace J



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