Love Track #8 Your Body is a Temple

It was around 3 in the morning as I gripped my number 2 pencil, settled on the moss green common room couch, and leaned in to 85 pages of unedited goodness.  As I began to read through the soon to be published book, one specific line screamed at me.  I don’t remember what it said (it was 3 a.m. give me a break).  But I can give you a paraphrased version. 

The line basically explained the importance of eating right and getting rest.  Right after I read that I looked at the Starbuck’s iced frappuccino on my right and the Cheetos on my left and thought, something has got to change.  I had been staying up that late for a while, and often times I still do.   My body has gotten used to it.  I mean who needs more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night anyway,  right? 

Not quite.  The idea didn't get fully through head until about last week when spring finally came and went back a few times, but finally came, and I was hit with a seasonal allergy/cold type sickness.  I was forced to rest.  I enjoyed it (the rest).  I am a lot better now.  This is my last week being a teenager, (I turn 20 next Tuesday if God wills) and what happened with the changing of the seasons reminded me of that.  I mean I know it’s just 20, but I can remember staying up way later, for many more weeks when I was in high school and feeling just fine.  The point is, no matter how old you are, taking care of your body is important. 

Many of us respect our bodies externally, clothing ourselves in modesty, taking wholesome selfies etc., but do we respect ourselves internally.  This too, I believe, is a part of loving yourself.  It’s easy to forget about this seemingly small part of life, especially when we’re young and our bodies are extremely resilient.  But if we’re not careful, the older us will suffer.  The younger us may even suffer.  I’m grateful for the health that I have, and I’d rather not take it for granted. 

Right now, I am the secretary and treasurer of a Bible study group on my campus, which is why I’ve been so busy.  I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you all that.  It is great, but like one of the speakers said at an event we had earlier this month, the goodness of God should be reflected in every area of our lives, even our health.  On that note, I think I’ll go to sleep now (It’s past midnight here). 

Good Night,
The Unashamed Introvertish Girl



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