The Truth About Your Enemies-It Will Break Your Heart (De La Soul)
I don't even know how to start this post. When I learned this lesson, it was far from poetic. But, I won’t get into that.
Instead I want to make a sharp left turn, to Luke 6. Stick with me, if you will.
27 “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. 29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. 30 Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. 31 And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.
~Luke 6:27-31
Subtract the rage you experience from being agitated. Fan away all the smoke that comes from your ears and blocks your vision when you’re mad, and what you’ll see is a hurting person, with a broken heart.
Think about what drives nations to go to war with one another. It can be a proactive defense measure or a gluttonous desire for more. Think about how you feel on your best days, content, full and maybe even a little more generous than usual.
But for some, unfortunately on their worst days, peace, they believe, can only be found in others’ sorrow. Some believe that in order to gain happiness, they have to take happiness from another. Some believe that in order to be secure, they have to snatch another person’s safety net.
This is not a diss track post, and I know that everyone that disagrees, dislikes or finds fault in someone is not out to get them. I am talking about those who intentionally set out to disgrace others.
Your enemies are hurting. Your enemies are in need. Your enemies are never as strong as you are. So like a fearful nation, they start releasing weapons…gossip, backhanded compliments, betrayal.
Understand that for those who don’t know that God has created each of us with worth, value and a unique purpose or for those who don’t believe it, your “perceived” joy, success, progression is a threat. In their minds, they’re at some type of disadvantage that doesn’t really exist.
So show them some love. Imagine how hurt you have to be to want to bring hurt on someone else. Before you let the enemy begin to grasp the reins of your mind like he is theirs, pause. Be slow to anger and think about what’s really in front of you.
I prayed about how to love people who mean me harm without actually getting harmed, and the image of the cross immediately came to mind. God told me not to worry about it, because ultimately, our lives are in His hands, like Jesus’ life was in His hand.
So basically, God has graced us with everything we need to love our enemies. Jesus’ enemies thought He was down for the count when He died, but little did they know, His life was in His Father’s hands.
That means there’s nothing they can do to take us out of the game, because God has given us the grace to stay in it. He has even given us the grace to go the extra mile and give to our enemies. That’s a lot of grace.
But you got it! Don’t forget it!
Let’s pray for one another:
- That we never become each other's enemies, remembering that God's grace is sufficient.
- That we realize where our enemies are coming from, the pain, the fear, the inadequacy they may feel, and give them what they really need, Christ's love.
P.S. No seriously, because I’m about to be tested on this again because of this post.
P.P.S. I am seriously working on the next series, and have been since the last time I said I was. As you can see, it’s taking a lot of work. Stay tuned!
With Love,
The Unashamed Introvertish* Girl
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